Saturday, December 7, 2024

If I Had Written: Freaky Death Day - A Happy Death Day & Freaky Movie Crossover (Part 2)

Note: When I made this blog, I intended to pitch out general ideas on how I would've done a crossover of the two films. Next thing you know, I ended up making a concrete synopsis on the plot. Despite getting carrying away, I hope you enjoy the ride.

As Tree remained unconscious, Millie along with Carter and Ryan provided her with the treatment necessary to ease the bleeding from her wound. After they finished patching up, the boys considered taking her to the hospital until Millie convinced them otherwise. She makes note that it isn’t safe much to their chagrin. Despite initial vagueness behind her explanation, she explains that the dagger Tombs attacked Tree with contains a curse that results in a body switcheroo between the two involved. While Carter was surprised by the revelation, Ryan looked at Millie dumbfounded. What would Tombs hope to gain by gaining control of another person’s body let alone Tree’s? Millie gets into her prior knowledge on La Dola, an Aztechian dagger whose origins trace back to the late 1680s used for ritual sacrifice. It was previously under the care of a wealthy family when the Blissfield Butcher infiltrated the mansion, murdering a group of teens to retrieve the artifact. Millie informs them that she came into contact with the dagger as she and the criminal exchanged bodies. Upon hearing the backstory has left Carter and Ryan concerned that Tombs may be inhabiting Tree’s body. Without La Dola, the gang would be unable to reverse the spell.  

Millie convinces the boys to find a less populated area where Tombs cannot harm anyone. Carter prays with hope that the real Tree (in Tombs’s body) is safe. Millie wraps her hand around his to reassure him they will find a way to undo the curse. In the meantime, Ryan takes the gang over to his van, driving to a forest secluded from the populated city of Bayfield.

Tree awoke to find herself in an unfamiliar safehouse. Her head remained fatigued from the mugging she endured at the hands of John Tombs. Struggling to sit up, she looked at her surroundings which were littered with beer bottles, spilled canned food, and dirty laundry. The walls had been eroded with decay that indicated signs of wear and tear. Something wasn’t right. She did not recognize the sound of her voice nor did she recognize the dark clothing she wore the other night. The instant she spotted her reflection from the mirror, terror struck her face. She has now inhabited the vessel of the criminal that attempted to murder her. As Tree panicked, she searched the room for Tombs’s phone. Before she could pick it up, the Babyface Killer stood behind her.

Tree (inside Tombs’s body) flees the scene, saving herself from the danger targeting her. She used the environment around her to defend herself from the masked murderer. Despite her efforts, the Babyface Killer would be one step ahead. When Tree prepared to enter the kitchen, the Killer whacked her with a steel tray to the back of the head. 

Tree awoke to find herself tied to a chair. He taunted her knowing full well of the woman’s inability to adjust to her new body. Using a modulated voice device, he points out that her friends have no idea about the swap; It didn’t help matters what Tombs’s actions may cause under Tree’s vessel - How would her peers react to her sudden change in behavior? The Killer makes note that sooner or later, her world is about to change. In 24 hours, when the clock strikes midnight, the body swap will become permanent. Tree would remain in Tombs’s body for eternity until death would come knocking on her door. This revelation terrifies her. Tree asks what they did to her, the dagger they used to initiate the swap, and where he may have hidden the weapon. The Babyface Killer refuses to give a clear answer until he confesses that he has abdicated the dagger to a special someone. Tree demands a response but the Killer dodges the verbatim, finding an excuse to leave his victim in all her lonesome.

Having their van parked someplace secluded in Bayfield Forest, Carter and Ryan tied Tombs (in Tree’s body) to a tree branch. Tombs awakens only to find himself restrained. The gang spends the next several minutes interrogating him, even asking him about the real Tree’s whereabouts as well as where they have hidden La Dola. Tombs refuses to answer much to their annoyance. Carter and Ryan continued to get under his skin until he confessed. However, Millie takes it farther by attempting to stab him with a pocket knife she found from Ryan’s vehicle. Carter stops her tracks, warning him that if he fails to give them an answer, they will call the police and make it as though Tombs started an altercation with the trio. He laughs as he does not believe their cover up is convincing enough for authorities to arrest him/her. However, what he can tell them though is exactly what his partner had explained to Tree (in Tomb’s body). He says the reason for his heinous act, and how he wanted to make Tree suffer by doing everything in his power to damage her reputation. While in prison, Tombs researched the history of La Dola, a weapon in which its true power is initiated during a séance that causes the exchanging of souls between two people. Tombs has had a track record of preying and murdering young women especially the blondes. By gaining possession of Tree’s body, he will go out his way to destroy any goodwill she had built as his way of getting back at her after being locked up and tortured by the prisoners and guards. 

In the midst of the conversation, Samar and Dre were riding in their vehicle when they noticed Ryan’s van parked in the middle of nowhere. When they pulled over to wonder what was going on, they would be informed about the body switch between Tree and Tombs. At first, they were confused as though it was nonsense. With all of the commotion unfolding, Tombs (in Tree’s body) uses this opportunity to find a way to free himself. Noticing a pocket knife dropped on the ground, he reaches for the knife as he manages to cut the rope deep enough to be uncuffed from the chair. Tombs threatens the gang, pointing the knife at them. While they backed away, the criminal committed a grand theft auto with Ryan’s van. The gang was left hopeless with no leads for Tree’s whereabouts as Tombs flees unscathed. This leaves them seemingly stranded for a moment until Samar and Dre give the trio a lift back to campus.

Some time passed since Tree discovered herself inhabiting the life of another person. As Tree (in Tombs’s body) remained cuffed to a chair, she looked at her surroundings of an object to free herself from. While her forearms were tied, that was not the case as far as her legs were concerned. Slowly, Tree stood on her feet, channeled her might to smash the chair against the wall. After multiple attempts, a piece from the chair came loose. With the broken piece intact, she utilized it as a knife to cut the rope. The strategy would prove to be a success.

Realizing the windows have been barricaded by wooden planks, she utilized her stealth ability to sneak her way out of the bedroom. Tree approached the stairs, doing her best to ensure the constant creaking from her footsteps did not alarm her attacker. When she made her way onto the main floor of the house, the doorbell sounding startled her. Tree peaked by the window, noticing Ryan’s van parked in the driveway. It seemed like it could be her ticket out of here. The instant she overheard her own voice by the doorway, danger loomed. As she crawled out from the table, she pulled out a knife from the kitchen drawer. Tombs entered the house while looking for his partner. Tree gasped with the reality that he has now inhabited her body. She tried her best in maintaining her composure while buying some time to coordinate her move. It was there when she decided to ambush Tombs. Both of them brawled along the halls with the knife being the key emphasis of the fight. Tree demands Tombs to reveal where he has hidden La Dola. Tombs doesn’t answer. As they continue to brawl, Dr Butler enters the house in awe to find his house had been vandalized. A confused Tree resulted in Tombs stabbing her with the knife he retrieved from her. Tree screams in anguish from the pain she endured.

Tombs (in Tree’s body) cries to Butler that she had been kidnapped by him and he had no idea the doctor lived here. Butler comforts her not knowing of the body swap that transpired. While Gregory caresses Tombs, Tree (in Tombs’s body) grabs the keys Tombs placed by the counter. Soon she crawled away, approaching the kitchen door that led outside to the backyard. Tombs (in Tree’s body) and Gregory notices the criminal had escaped. Noticing the back door had opened, Gregory attempts to go after him. Slowly, Tree pulled herself up limping her way towards Ryan’s van. Tree turns on the ignition key as she escapes.

Still shaken from the events that transpired the other night, the gang arrived back to campus the following morning. While gathering at the science lab, they devised a strategy in search of Tree and Tombs as well as the La Dola. Ryan had considered using S.I.S.S.Y in order to go back in time to prevent the body swap. However, with the government in full control of the device, he is unable to operate the machine. Carter attempted to search for Tree using his tracking app; The weak signal as a result of the outage caused by the Sisi experiment failed to detect her location. Samar and Dre explain that sometime after Tree returned from the other dimension, she informed them about the tracking app behind Lori’s effectiveness in learning her whereabouts. Prior to September 18th, the duo revealed that they were working on the app but their commitments to helping Ryan on the S.I.S.S.Y project prevented them from completing the work. When Lori overheard about this potentially groundbreaking invention, she was stoked. She hoped to be the first person to test out the app on her device. Samar and Dre had no idea what intentions she had going into the process. All they could think about was finding a test subject to help perfect their invention. Samar and Dre made it known that while there are still kinks they need to be fixed, they will use this as a resource to locate the two (utilizing Lori’s phone that had been left behind that she used to stalk Tree with).

Carter ponders alone, expressing concern over Tree’s well being. He blames himself for his inability to stop Tombs from initiating the spell. He had vouched for Tree even when she wasn’t in the best place in her life. Millie notices this as he lends him her support. She insists he shouldn’t feel down despite what went down the other night. When she was body swapped, it was the scariest feeling in the world; The idea of not only living in the life of another person, but adapting to their physique felt surreal yet an uneasy experience for her. Add to the fact that a criminal stirred chaos while disguised in her body led to some misunderstanding towards her peers. Carter prays she (Tree) is doing alright and that Tombs will pay for what he did to her. Millie reassures him they will find La Dola and have their bodies restored to normal.

Tree (in Tombs’s body) arrives at the campus dressed up in a hood with sunglasses. Since the body transfer, she has remained vigilant to prevent suspicion of mistaken identity from the Bayfield College students. After navigating through the site undetected, she climbed up using a ladder to open the window to her dorm room. When she arrived, she dug through the notes she researched regarding La Dola. It was there when she overheard nearby footsteps. Tree hid behind the wardrobe closet as Carter entered. When he notices a pile of notebooks that wasn’t there before, a hunch has it that someone may have broken into her room. Carter surveyed the area in search of possible intruders. When he stumbles into an heirloom that belonged to Tree’s mother, Tree’s gasp causes her to blow her cover.

Carter grabs a baseball bat by the wall, defending himself from Tombs. However, Tree convinces him that despite the mistaken identity, it is her in Tombs’s body. Carter thinks back to Millie’s comment about her body swap. After asking trivial questions she knew to which Tree answers honestly, she and Carter have an immediate embrace. Carter tries to notify the gang. However, Tree insists that it’s not the time as she is disguised under Tombs’s body and that the campus would be on high alert if she is seen on campus. Carter nods while they devise a way to reunite with their friends someplace private.

Danielle exited out of the coffee shop sipping away a cup of d-caffe. She felt a cold breeze swooping by when the distraction caused her to spill coffee on Dr. Gregory Butler. While greeting one another, Danielle admires him for his willingness to help others in times of need. Gregory is flattered by the compliment. The more back and forth their conversations became, it gave them the impression that they may share a connection. Danielle’s face illuminated with excitement which prompted the doctor to ask her out on a date. Tombs (in Tree’s body) chimes in right when Danielle walks off. At that moment, Gregory slipped a tracking device inside Danielle’s purse. Little did she know about Tree’s connection with Gregory let alone the body swap that ensued between her and Tombs. The doctor takes interest in hopes of getting out of the slump he has experienced since his wife filed for divorce. When Tombs asks what he hopes to gain out from stalking Danielle, Dr. Butler makes mention of her connection towards Tree and to make an example out of her by harming those close to her. With Tombs in possession of Tree’s body, he can make that happen. By agreeing to date Danielle, a stern expression from Gregory indicated evil intentions have yet to come. 

The gang gathered by the outskirts of Bayfield. Initially, the group felt uneasy by Tree’s unusual presence (in Tombs’s body) until remembering the swap that unfolded the other night. When asked if she had the dagger, Tree informs them she was unable to retrieve La Dola. While she is eager to get her body back, they remind her they need to know where the dagger is located, and devise a game plan to retrieve the weapon. She informs them that the Babyface Killer sold it off with no lead as to who now holds possession of it. Millie asks Tree about Tombs’s hatred towards her and what he hopes to gain by taking over her body. Tree informs them that she had been abducted inside what turned out to be Dr. Butler’s home; Given what he knew of him from the alternate timeline, she does not rule out the possibility of his involvement with Tombs. Due to these speculations, she is concerned about the potential havoc the criminal will cause in the area, including the consequence(s) his action(s) may have (while in her body). In an attempt to gather leads, the gang intends to get into contact with the victims and family members that have known John. They divide into pairs with Millie and Carter collaborating with his parents while Ryan & the like interact with the victims.

Elsewhere, Tombs (in Tree’s body) finds a sticky note containing Tree’s passcode, gaining access through her phone. She scrolled through her social media app to a profile of Tree’s including her photos involving the Kappa sorority as well as photos taken with her and her parents. Tombs used this as an opportunity to learn about his victim Whether it was through studying her mannerisms through v-logs or feelings from her online blogs, Tombs hoped to ensure there would be no suspicion regarding people’s perception of Tree's seemingly change in behavior. Suddenly, he receives a text message from Tree’s father for a father-daughter night. An incoming phone call arises when he gets deep into the conversation as they share ideas on what they plan on doing. Tombs looks through cliff notes he took about Tree’s interests. They include:

  • dining/restaurant
  • cabaret
  • recreational activities - going to a museum/golf/bowling/attending some sporting event

After reaching a compromise, Tree’s father finalizes the decision for their upcoming get together. After hanging up, he let out an evil smirk on his face. 

When the Bayfield college gang (minus Carter and Millie) arrive at the gas station, Dre, Samar, and Tree (in Tombs’s body) remain in the van while Ryan takes this opportunity to replenish their vehicle with gas while scoping for snacks. While purchasing at the cash register, he would be caught off guard by a surprise appearance from Tombs (in Tree’s body). He did his best to keep calm, looking away while Tree navigated the aisle for her purchases. At some point, their paths intersect leading to some smack talk amongst the two standing in line.  As tensions boiled, a simple misunderstanding occurred when Tombs shouts for help while Ryan demands to know where she put the La Dola. Ryan releases her just as he notices the cashier preparing to call their manager. When Samar enters the convenient shop to wonder what was taking Ryan so long, he is stunned to find Tombs (disguised as Tree) as the criminal falsely accuses them of harassment. At the wrong place at the wrong time, Samar and Ryan run off from the cops’ attempt to file their arrests. The duo regrouped with Tree (in Tombs’s body) and Dre while being pursued by the police in a high speed chase. After a series of lane changes and cutting, the wheels from Ryan’s van get caught in a trench. The police capture the gang including their most wanted suspect in “Tombs” while arresting them in the process.

To be continued…..Stay tuned for Part 3….

Friday, September 27, 2024

If I Had Written: Freaky Death Day - A Happy Death Day & Freaky Movie Crossover (Part 1)

Note: I did some minor editing in the months since I posted this blog. As far as the timeline for the two films are concerned, I'd roughly estimate that they take place 1-2 years after the events of Freaky and HDD2U. It's a little tricky since they were released a year apart from one another (3 years given the 2 Happy Death Day films take place a day apart on September 18th & 19, 2017). Add the fact they are part of the same cinematic universe. 

This past summer, I had watched the two Happy Death Day movies on my 4K/Blu Ray copy I own while having streamed Freaky on Peacock. These horror comedy films were directed by Christopher Landon as part of the Blum House company umbrella. In the years since their releases, this had been the talk of the town among the horror community. This inspired me to come up with a story idea of a potential crossover of the two properties. It's highly unlikely we will have one anytime soon. With Halloween around the corner, I figured it would be somewhat of a creative exercise if a top executive came to me and appointed me as a head writer for the crossover. Needless to say, let's begin:

Summary: Tree Gelbman's (Jessica Rothe)'s date with Carter ends in disaster when Tombs is released from prison again, using a dagger with mystical power that results in a body swap between the two involved. Following her high school graduation, Millie Kessler (Kathryn Newton) begins to attend college abroad in Bayfield when she discovers that another criminal has stolen the same dagger responsible for her body swap. As Tombs and Tree succumbed to the spell, it's up to Millie, Ryan, Carter among more of their Bayfield College friends to restore their bodies and stop Tombs in his citywide reign of terror.


Millie Kessler's encounter with The Blissfield Butcher has traumatized her to the extent of which she couldn't comprehend. One lonely evening, she waited for the arrival of her mother to pick her up after a homecoming game. It was there when she encountered him, frightening the teen in a game of cat and mouse. Despite her efforts to flee, she was unable to escape the swiftness of The Butcher. An ancient dagger known as La Dola contained a mystical aura unlike any ordinary weapon. With the dagger intact, he stabbed Millie by the arm as she cried out with immense pain; This ritual phenomenon initiated a spell that saw her soul being transferred over to the man responsible for the incident.

At first, no one believed her; Not even her friends were gullible to fall for The Butcher's mind games. The fact that her original body had been inhabited and influenced to perform unspeakable tactics appeared out of character for Millie. With some convincing trivia only her friends knew, they realized she had been telling the truth. The trio conducted a search on the same artifact that triggered her body swap. They soon found out that if two people fail to reverse the spell within the next midnight hour, they would remain in each others' bodies for eternity. All seemed lost until a miracle allowed the power of La Dola to reinitiate, restoring The Butcher & Millie back to their original bodies. However, one more confrontation in Millie's house resulted in her family putting a stake to the wanted criminal for good.

Since regaining her body, she felt relieved. It was a chain of events she hoped she would never have to relive. The Butcher inside Millie's body had left so much damage in her school. Multiple deaths were reported and investigated that resulted in the school being shut down until further notice. On the surface, it seemed her actions could've left a dent on her reputation. However, upon further research on the La Dola as well as The Butcher's intentions to inflict harm on others, the charges were dropped. Even despite the uplifting news, Millie couldn't help but feel remorse over the students and staff members that lost their lives. Even if there were folks she could never coexist with, she never wished them harm. As her family and friends paid their respect, Millie offered her condolences with the belief that somewhere above this Earth, they were roaming peacefully along the astral plane.

Millie's high school graduation would mark her first step into the real world. It is an opportunity to discover whichever opportunity lies ahead of her. Given the trauma she endured, the horror remained tattooed in her mind. She reflected back to the victims who lost their lives prematurely at the hands of the Blissfield Butcher; This is also coupled with the grief their surviving family members had to go through. Whether it'd be at home, in her local neighborhood or on her old high school campus, the locations reminded her of some of the gruesome crimes The Butcher committed. It wasn't that she didn't recognize the place any more; Despite her return to normality, the aftereffect to come out of the body swap brought a new perspective on life. With questions came answers she hoped to seek. While making her transition from high school to college, she moved out of her small town to live out life in the city of Bayfield, home to one of the most prestigious colleges in the United States. It marks the next chapter in Millie's life as an adult settling down in her new home.

Millie's first day started off with sunlight and optimism. While she had seen screenshots of the university including the courtyard, stepping foot onto campus to her could be described in one word: fascinating. The yard consisted of an open field similar to that of a local park. A king sized water fountain consisting of a pair of statues stood in the atrium of the courtyard. Some students sat along the benches doing their homework or reading a book. Others were walking by while they navigated their way to their classrooms. Some were on the field composed of two teams lined up in the center for a game of football. The vibrant scenery struck with overwhelming fascination that illuminated Millie's face.

Millie prepared to enter the campus when she encountered a student being ridiculed by a sorority. Known as the Kappa Pi Lambda, their group's leader Danielle Bouchesman did not tolerate folks opposing their ideology of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Millie eavesdropped from the background seemingly incensed. Danielle's mistreatment towards her peer pursued Millie to intervene. Tensions escalate between the two parties. Just before a fight broke loose, a young woman with long blonde hair chimed in to call her out. Tree Gelbman lets it be known as a former Kappa, she couldn't bear to witness seeing folks humiliated and unable to defend themselves. Up until her recent birthday, she didn't have quite the positive reputation. It wasn't until a series of time loops made her realize the effect her cynical behavior had on her peers. As Danielle and her clique left the scene, she and Millie helped the bullied student up on their feet.

Eventually, the two blondes greeted one another. Tree commended Millie for helping the student, a deed she would not have done given her history as a Kappa. Millie appreciated Tree for the compliment. She wondered what happened that led to Tree's removal from the group. To put it into simple words, Tree says that it took a cyclical nightmare that convinced her to rethink her life. Before they parted ways, Millie informs Tree that she is new to Bayfield, requesting if she'd be able to give her a tour around the school. Tree agrees as she provided Millie the guidance needed.

As their tour concluded, Millie found herself inside Tree's dorm room. She looked around with fascination over the colorful decorations displayed throughout the walls. Millie discovers a photo still of a tall brunette styled in a ponytail. Lori Spengler served as a nurse working the night shifts at the local hospital. For some time, she had been Tree's roommate at Bayfield University. Despite living in the same dorm, neither of them were exactly the best of friends. A certain someone they had laid eyes on developed tension amongst the two. Their personal vendetta resulted in Lori's attempt at murder by poisoning Tree with a cupcake. This resulted in a physical altercation in which Tree laid her out in self defense, sending Lori flying through their window. Since the death of her roommate, Tree had the dorm to herself.

Millie empathized. Upon hearing the anecdote, she realized she wasn't the only person who went through trouble. She factors in the time when she had been attacked by a criminal who stabbed her with a dagger. It left her mentally unstable as a result of the ordeal she faced. As Millie showed off her wound, Tree's heart sank. The scars that lingered over their heads brought a deep sense of connection amongst the two women.

As they took a moment to console one another, a young man dressed in a green and white shirt with curly brown hair entered the room. It was during their conversation when he encountered an unfamiliar student. Tree would formally introduce Millie to her boyfriend Carter. Millie informs him that it is her first day as Freshmen and that Tree agreed to give her a grand tour of the school. As Millie glanced at the clock, she realized class was starting soon. Carter goes the extra mile and guides her to her destination.

On a murky cold evening at a museum, an anonymous intruder infiltrated from the ventilator shaft. Cloaked in a dark parka wearing a babyface mask, they navigated their way through a series of obstacles in an effort to retrieve a specific artifact. As a security officer monitored for unusual activity, the intruder ambushed them in the back with a neck snap. The Babyface Killer evaded the high beam lasers adjacent from top to bottom, diagonally, and vertically. They came across an unusual mechanism that gave a suspicious impression. After a near misstep that would have triggered an alarm, the Killer made it pass the ordeal. By removing the mask unveiled a scruffy yet familiar face. Freed from prison, John Tombs' eyes ignited with intrigue. It consisted of a weaponry dagger that had been in existence for generations; it wasn't just an ordinary weapon used for means of combat. The artifact known as La Dola contained a mystical aura with an unimaginable power. As determined by the evil smirk upon his face, he was fully aware of what the artifact possessed.

By utilizing a gadget, it triggered a mechanism which allowed for the containment to be safely removed. To avoid a potential breach, he exchanged La Dola in favor of a counterfeit dagger, Tomb's objective was about to be complete. All of a sudden, the alarm sounded. Screeches echoed throughout the museum. The intruder looked at his surroundings to check for incoming officers lurking closeby. While working his way through the corridors and through the back of the museum, more security officers intervened, pointing their firearms at him. Tombs resorted to self defense, laying out each officer intending to harm him. He entered the stairwell, running down a flight of stairs before exiting through the emergency door. Helicopters arrived at the scene with their searchlights flashing on the rooftop. Fortunately for him, Tombs hid through bushes to ensure he would not be seen. After an extended period of time, the police were unable to track the criminal. Tombs would be safe…for now.

Inside the cafe, Tree spent the duration studying for an upcoming physics exam. Ryan notices and is impressed by the notetaking from her study guide. Tree explains in simple words that she had some help from the best science students in the school…in another dimension. When Carter asks Tree about her experience over there, it felt surreal. Her mother who had passed away in her timeline was alive and well on the other side. That moment got her into thinking as though she belonged there. Along the way, she realized she was living a memory from a childhood she never had. However, with that saw the reality in which she and Carter did not become a couple. She thought back to what he said in regards to how being in a loop allowed her multiple attempts to change as a person. Tree realized her heart belonged to this universe and thanked him for his support. Carter understood and appreciates her honesty. When they first met, they had very little to no interaction. It would all change the night he helped her to his dorm after being hungover at a party. Despite Tree's cynical approach towards him, he came across as a behaved individual that saw the good in people. No matter how difficult life gets, Carter assures everything will be okay.

Suddenly, they overheard some breaking news from the TV kiosk when they discovered that a criminal robbed an artifact from the Bayfield National History Museum. A mystical dagger known as La Dola was previously possessed by the Blissfield Butcher after a manhunt that cost innocent lives to be lost. However, when they find out that Tombs had escaped from prison, horror struck from Tree's face. In recent memory, she relived the same day over in search for the suspect responsible for the time loop. As a criminal involved in the murdering of young blondes, Tree was appalled to learn he is lurking out there possibly harming others. Carter questions how Tombs managed to escape prison. This prompts the couple to investigate.

Millie spent the duration of class taking notes of the material she had been learning. As it concluded, she closed her textbook while heading her way out of the lecture hall. Still failing to comprehend what she learned, she would come across a young Asian man who takes notice of her emotions. Ryan greets the Freshmen student from Blissfield who has been trying to adjust to her first day. Millie appreciates the support. While she makes it known to him of her lack of understanding behind science, she hopes this course will help her earn the credit hours she needs to complete her major. Ryan takes interest in Millie and offers her a homecoming by inviting her to an upcoming carnival event. Without hesitation, Millie agrees to tag along for the ride. Suddenly, she receives a text from her friends (Nyla & Josh) about La Dola being stolen from a museum. It was something she feared that ended up becoming a reality again. Millie responds to the text and notifies them to meet up with later through online video chat. Ryan is confused based on his classmate's reaction. However, she lets him know she is alright and that she looks forward to going.

Tree browsed through the internet on an article that covered Tombs's breakout. It was a moment in which her fears heightened. Since her experience in a time loop, she made every attempt to outsmart the notorious Babyface Killer. In one of the loops, she witnessed Tombs's murder of her boyfriend Carter. Despite negating that incident from happening, it appeared as though Tree managed to put the criminal in his place. But an unknown error she made resulted in going back to square one, undoing Tombs's death as a result. To find out the news he had escaped haunted her.

Carter stepped into Tree's dorm room. By taking a glance at the exhaustion from her eyes, he realized how stressful it is for the trauma she endured, encouraging Tree to get some well needed rest. Tree's concern over Tombs gives her the impression it's only a matter of time before he finds her. Unlike all of the previous time loops, she has one life to live. With Ryan's time device S.I.S.I out of their grasp, one more death sequence and she is done. Carter reassures her Tombs won't harm her and he will be right beside her when she needs him. Looking through her calendar, she realizes their anniversary is around the corner, having arranged their first date in advance. Tree smiles as she takes a backseat on the research. While their conversation ended with a kiss, lurking outside from the window saw the Babyface Killer staring blankly at the couple.

Inside her new condo, Millie interacted with Nyla and Josh via video chat. After they took turns playing catch up on what's been going on in their lives, Nyla and Josh notify her that another criminal had stolen the same dagger used on Millie that caused her to swap bodies with its previous owner. They let it be known that while they now live long distance, The two express their concern given the location where their lifelong friend is at risk. Millie appreciates them for looking out. While doing research on his laptop, Josh finds out about Tombs including his murder sprees and criminal charges. They are instantly reminded of the carnage the Butcher had caused to their town of Blissfield; This has them questioning if there may have been any correlation between the two criminals. When Millie recognizes an online screenshot of Tree's roommate Lori, she finds out she was responsible for setting Tombs free the first time around. This prompts her to warn her new friend Tree the news. Despite her attempt at reaching out via phone call and/or texting, she does not respond. In the meantime, Josh and Nyla hung up as they each had homework to finish.

The next morning, Carter and Ryan are seen socializing by the entrance of William Hall. Ryan gets into his friend's love life. Over the course of the time loops, he began to establish a deep bond with Tree. When she had been at her most vulnerable, he rose to the occasion to uplift her spirit. Not once did he attempt to put her in a position that made her uncomfortable nor did he doubt her alibi. The more Carter got to understand Tree and her personal struggles, the more he grew to admire her. Part of him felt elated to be in a relationship. On the other hand, he pondered whether they would've gotten together had it not been for a malfunction in Ryan's experiment. Speaking of Ryan, he offers his friend support. Although his latest invention has caused a citywide outage, Tree would not be alive without the invention of S.I.S.S.Y. Without notifying the police, Tombs may never have gotten caught during their manhunt. Regardless of the circumstances, Carter is glad that, even if they came from different lifestyles, he is thankful to have found love with a special someone. To that end, Ryan offers Carter his blessing.

In preparation for her date, Tree decides on a set of clothes to wear from her wardrobe. Millie arrived to check up on her new friend. She vowed to learn more about Tree's history with Lori and how their mutual relationship as roommates morphed into an intense dislike. To put it best, Tree explained that it stemmed from their romantic fling over a professor by day and medical doctor by night. It was that instant where Lori went off the deep end in an attempt to murder her roommate. Tree went on for the record that the time period was a difficult ordeal she had to endure. Tree opens up to Millie about a time loop in which she would relive the same day on her birthday; Every time she was murdered, she would wind up back to the same place she was in earlier. With each death carried over numerous fractures she sustained from her body. When it turned out that the time loop originated from a science experiment, she was in disbelief. Tree hopes now that she is no longer succumbed to the loop, she can finally find peace. Millie wrapped her hand around Tree's with sympathy

After weeks of anticipation, the moment arrived when Tree and Carter spent their first date at the inaugural Bayfield Carnival Extravaganza. They participated in a variety of activities ranging from a game of whack-a-mole, riding along a racetrack in slot car derbies, taking photos from a photo booth, and riding on a ferris wheel. Their chemistry continued to blossom as the evening progressed. Just when things were looking up, the Babyface Killer eavesdropped on the couple; Tombs's eyes remained glued with deadly intentions. Tree and Carter watched in awe of the fireworks that were on display. Figuratively, sparks ignited among the two, prompting them to seal it with a romantic kiss. It would turn out to be a night they would never forget. However, it was not the ending they had in mind.

Tree and Carter entered the carnival's funhouse. Their eyes wandered at a wall of curved mirrors cornered around them. At first, they were enthralled. Each contained a different reflection of them in unusual appearances. The couple pranced around by the mirrors, amusing themselves in a way they wouldn't with their traditional home mirrors. They continued to navigate through the overwhelming labyrinth of passageways. Due to its complex interior structure, the pairing would find themselves isolated from one another. All of a sudden, the lights flickered like a light switch. Tree and Carter began to panic as the room faded into pitch black. When the lights returned, they each encountered separate variants of the Babyface Killer. They startled as their hearts raced in fear. The duo fled away from their attackers that threatened them. By the time they exited the funhouse, Tree and Carter managed to regroup. What they thought was one Babyface Killer wound up being accompanied by another person disguised under the mask. As they escaped, the couple attempted to find a sheriff nearby to alert everyone of the Babyface Killers' presence. Unfortunately, they caught up to Carter and Tree just before backup could arrive.

Carter would be handcuffed to a post. Meanwhile, Tree would find herself pinned to the ground at the mercy of her enemy. By removing his mask, a shock of familiarity ensues from her as she and John Tombs cross paths once again. When asked about how he managed to escape, he simply says that he had some back up from an unnamed assailant who orchestrated a prison riot, allowing him the opening he needed to break out from his imprisonment. He blames Tree for being the reason he had to be trapped back inside the prison where he was brutally beaten by guards and other prisoners he could not coexist with. As much as he swore vengeance, killing wouldn't be his solution. He intends to do something more than just leaving his victim in fleshing blood. Tombs pulled out La Dola, slitting his wrist before raising its sharp edged knife to the heavens. An ominous cloud hovered along the evening sky; Bolts of lightning flashed right before their eyes. Carter begged Tombs not to hurt Tree. She tried to fight out of it. However, the Killer's firm grip on her left the blonde defenseless. The criminal stabbed her by the shoulder, initiating a spell that would alter the course of their lives. Tree screamed in agony feeling a scrape of blood gushing out. When the clouds dissipated and the spell reached its completion, a sheriff approached the scene with their handgun intact. Despite their effort, the second Babyface Killer fired his gun back at the sheriff. By the time Millie and Ryan made the save, Tombs and his partner fled from the scene. Using the key dropped off by the sheriff, the gang uncuffed Carter from the post while checking on Tree's condition. As Carter and Ryan prayed for their wounded friend, Millie felt deja vu kicking in. Having been reminded of what the Blissfield Butcher did to her, Millie's instinct indicated something dreadful would occur within the doomsday hour - an hour that would trigger a sequence that would see two people's lives change in an instant.

To Be Continued...

Sunday, February 4, 2024

My Thoughts On The Rock Coming Out of Retirement to Face Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania XL

Credit: Cultaholic

It's been awhile since I posted anything on here. Wrestlemania is WWE's flagship PPV of the calendar year. As an avid wrestling fan since grade school, it's a pro wrestling event that I have looked forward to every spring. With the season fast approaching, one particular match in particular I was stoked for was the anticipated rematch between Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes.

At Wrestlemania 39, The American Nightmare fought the Tribal Chief in a hard fought contest. Things were going really well with Cody getting the upper hand, laying out Roman with multiple Cross Rhodes. Just when it appeared he had him beat, Cody failed to finish the story when Solo Sakoa, despite being barred from ringside earlier, interfered in the match to cost him the match. The crowd was left stunned and somewhat baffled by the result. In the months that passed, there have been mixed opinions in the online wrestling community whether it was the right decision not to put the belt on Cody. Fast forward into 2024, he would go on to win the Royal Rumble for the second year in a row, solidifying himself as the number one contender for the top prize of his choosing: Raw's World Heavyweight Title or Smackdown's Universal WWE Title. As the PPV ended, Cody turned his attention to Roman from the sky box indicating to be the one he would be challenging for the belt. Optimism was in the air after that night. By the end of the week, however, that joyful fan in me began to witness the football deflating in front of my eyes.

After making a surprised appearance on the first Raw of the New Year, The Rock popped back on Smackdown aka The Rock show aka the show he helped built nearly 25 years ago. While Cody came out to confront Roman, rather than challenging him to a Universal Title rematch at the Showcase of the Immortals, he opted NOT to use his title clause. Instead, the Rock came out to the arena to confront Roman, teasing a marquee match that will take place at Wrestlemania XL. Like many of the passionate folks in the wrestling fandom, I'm heartbroken.

What in the world is WWE thinking? In 2022, Cody made his return at Wrestlemania 38 after a brief stint in AEW. They've been crafting a character arc for him to rise to the cream of the crop by winning the big gold belt that his family members never got to hold. His performance against Seth Rollins inside Hell in a Cell was infamously remembered for his performance despite working injured. When he won the first of 2 Royal Rumble matches, Cody went on to challenge Roman Reigns for the Universal Title at Wrestlemania 39 in a losing effort; Not just losing clean in the ring but under shady circumstances that screwed him out of the title. Despite a bump in the road, Cody spent a majority of 2023 feuding with the likes of Brock Lesnar, Shinsuke Nakamura, & the entire Judgment Day faction. So you're telling me that he spent a whole year rebuilding his momentum that even though he won the Rumble twice, he's just going to sacrifice that opportunity to a Hollywood action star who hadn't wrestled a match in over a decade? Not surprising yet very disappointing. 

Don't get me wrong. I loved watching the Rock. He was one of my favorite wrestlers growing up at a time when wrestling became white hot again in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Along with Stone Cold and Hulk Hogan, they were the gateway in regards to my interest in the "sport." It reminded me of a time before Social Media where I'd get together with my sister and my late father every Monday and Thursday night watching Raw Is War and Smackdown respectively. Rock's charisma, physique, and his ability to cut savage promos on his rivals were what had me invested in him as a character. Then Hollywood came calling. Overtime, he started to appear on TV less and less. By 2005, WWE cut ties with the Rock as he ventured forward into the world of acting.

When he returned in 2011, the fan in me cried with joy. His initial match with John Cena at Wrestlemania 28 was phenomenal. The one year build and the promos they cut along the way really had me invested in their program. The year after that, they attempted to capitalize on that success with a rematch, this time with the WWE Championship on the line. However, it didn't go well with the audience in attendance. That same night, Rock tore his abdomen by the end of the match. As Cena celebrated with the WWE Title back around his waist, many fans believed to be The Rock's final match as a competitor (I don't count the squash match he had with Erik Rowan at Wrestlemania 32 BTW). After making countless one off appearances in the years since, the Brahma Bull has come out of retirement AGAIN to take on his blood cousin in a match to determine the undisputed Head of the Table.  

I am disappointed by the news. Cody spent two years clawing his way to the top. When he returned to the Rumble in 2023 from a tear in his pectoral muscle, I was stoked. Seeing him embrace the fans with his cadence and his blue collar outlook, it made me respect him for the guy. The American Nightmare being the potential conquering hero to put an end to Roman Reigns's two and a half year title run. Wrestlemania 39 rolled around, and just when Cody had him beat, interference from Solo played a role in costing Cody the match. I was one of those folks that was unsatisfied by the end result. Part of me wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt that somewhere down the line, they'll run a title rematch where, after overcoming adversity, Cody would finally be the knight that slays the unstoppable dragon once and for all.

Or so we thought...

After winning the Rumble a second time, Cody had to make a decision on which championship belt he'll choose. It was either the World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins on Raw or the Universal WWE Champion Roman Reigns. After all of that anticipation, you'd think he would finally announce the rematch to settle the score. This past Friday night on Smackdown, after a confrontation with the Tribal Chief, he agreed to challenge him for the championship (wait for it)........but NOT at Wrestlemania. It was that moment I knew what had to come after.

The Rock makes his startling appearance to close out the show, hugging while whispering to Cody Rhodes. He had one of the most insincere smiles I've seen. The crowd in attendance may have been cheering for the Great One. I realized the wheels started to fall off.

I respect him for all the good he's done inside and outside the ring. Just recently, he was appointed as the head of the Board of Directors with TKO, a conglomerative company that owns the UFC and WWE. However, I do not agree with the creative direction they went with. It's no secret pro wrestling is staged; Match outcomes, and storylines are predetermined or planned in advance. How is it that after all of these years of whether or not he was going to get back into wrestling one more match, it came at the worst time? Imagine if Stone Cold earned a World Title shot at Wrestlemania XIV only to call an audible and pass up on that opportunity only to have a returning legend to take his spot as the number one contender instead? There may have been no Attitude Era, and therefore, the wrestling landscape would be very different.

Roman Reigns versus The Rock had been a dream encounter that had been thought about as far back as when Roman ventured off as a singles competitor following the Shield's breakup. He returned to help his cousin win the 2015 Royal Rumble to a negative reception. As we approached into the new decade, it was originally announced that Wrestlemania 37 would take place at Sofi Stadium in Los Angeles, California. With LA being the home to the glitz and glamor that is Hollywood, rumors began to circulate that Roman and Rock could possibly face off at the Grand Daddy of Them All. Then the pandemic happened. Everything was either shut down or were confined to a limited capacity audience. Scheduled events had to be postponed or canceled indefinitely. So a possibility of that star studded match was off the table.

It was also during the pandemic in which started a generational run. Roman Reigns, after taking time off throughout a good portion of 2020, returned as he formed an alliance with Paul Heyman. Under his influence, he would go on to win the Universal Championship, a title in which he still holds to this day. For the next three years, he would rack up wins against every elite WWE superstar of the past two decades - the likes of Daniel Bryan, Edge, John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Drew McIntyre, Randy Orton, and AJ Styles. You talk about an overpowered created superstar from the 2K WWE games with a 99 overall as they plow through the competition. That is Roman's title reign in a nutshell. Not only that, but he would also add more gold to his collection in the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 38. Along with his Samoan family in Jimmy & Jey as well as the late addition of Solo Sakoa, the Bloodline dominated WWE TV for nearly four years (they have surpassed the nWo's time on top in WCW in the late 90s). 

As of this post, it's February 2024. Long ago, I would have been all in for supporting this match. Roman was the Big Dog struggling to win over fans in his all around good guy persona, and a guy like the Rock was generally well liked by the audience. Granted this may sound like a potential rehash of his feud with Cena in the early 2010s. During the beginning stages of Roman's Tribal Chief run, perhaps Wrestlemania 37 (had the pandemic not happened) or Wrestlemania 39 would have been the ideal time to do just that. 

Roman's time on top has started to wind down. After feuding with his now ex-Bloodline teammate in Jey Uso, he began to disappear from television at the tail end of 2023. Although he came back to defend the title in a 4 Way with LA Knight, AJ Styles, and Randy Orton, it was only a matter of time before someone would put Roman in his place. Even despite Cody's Rumble victory and his intended target to go after the wrestler that beat him unfairly, all of that may be put on hold. I had to ask myself, "How long can this go?" He didn't win it at 39, he didn't get a shot at Summerslam later that year, and just when it seemed clear that it would all come down to the grand finale at Wrestlemania 40, alluding to CM Punk's promo to Cody, there's something in the distance stopping him from getting that title opportunity. All of a sudden, Rock storms his way out of retirement, pushing the hot commodity aside to show him what "real" star power is like. Imagine if an employee who spent an extended period of time performing their job position to the best of their ability; Just when it seemed like they're on the verge of receiving a promotion, the boss hires back a former employee and takes over their spot like they never left the company. 

Throughout Social Media, there have been mixed opinions regarding who should main event Roman. Some favor Cody, others favor Rock. Even if WWE has good intentions and decide to pivot, the last thing I want to see is a Triple Threat match or Roman pulling double duty on both nights. In a few years time, how are people going to wonder as to how Rock got into the title picture only to find out he got there without doing the work? As for the possibility of Roman performing double duty and potentially losing the belt, he'll downplay it as though he was screwed. These are complex scenarios that have a catch to them. 

I am exhausted for words. I know it's a TV show I invest every week and I certainly have taken the liberty to get off the internet and do what I can to enjoy my day. It's what happens no matter which fandom we support. Bottom line is we can agree to disagree regarding the ideal route WWE should take. I wish it didn't have to resort to this. 


Some General Thoughts On The Current State of AEW + Ragebaiting in the Internet Wrestling Community

This has been a topic I've been contemplating to write for some time. For the past few years, tribalism has played a major role when it ...