Thursday, March 2, 2023

If The Last of Us Cordyceps Outbreak Happened in 2003...

So I've been following the TV adaptation of the Last of Us on HBO Max, and it's been receiving overwhelming praise by gaming fans and TV viewers alike. While the show doesn't completely deviate itself from its source material, there are a number of key differences between that and the video game. One example would be that the program dates back to 2003 as opposed to 2013 when the Cordyceps outbreak unfolds. It's amazing to think how different events would've played out had civilization as we know it had ended twenty years before. Can you imagine how different the timeline would be in a world where we would miss out on some milestone accomplishments in society? What about the kinds of technological inventions that would never see the light of day due to the mass exodus of the human population? It's surreal to think about, and one that I'm glad we did not have to witness. But here is a list of things that may not even happen had the outbreak occurred:

  • Shrek 2 wouldn't have been released to theaters, as production would have halted
  • Britney Spears's fourth album "In the Zone" is never released despite being on the verge of completion (Outbreak Day was 9/26 whereas the album's launch date was 11/1)
  • America's war against Iraq would've lasted a few months rather than spanning a good chunk of the decade
  • Same sex/gay marriage would never have been legalized in the United States
  • Social Media outlets such as Face Book, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram wouldn't have existed. It's something to note about because Face Book is mentioned in the Last of Us DLC Left Behind when Ellie and Riley were taking pictures inside of a photo booth .
  • The first iPhone project never happens therefore the iPhone is never released. In retrospect, it has revolutionized the way we utilize our phones. The lack of a transmission feed makes over the air communication inaccessible. 
  • Representing the AFC division in the NFL, the New England Patriots would not have had the dynasty they ended up having. This meant winning multiple AFC Titles and Super Bowl rings than any team in the league in history
  • Kevin Feige, Hollywood movie director who contributed to the creation of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), catapults Marvel superheroes into pop culture relevance.
  • Digital downloading for music never truly evolves pass the CDs and mixed tapes (though devices such as Napster, Limewire, and the iPod were around, it took awhile for the music industry to fully embrace the idea. In reality, the advent of music streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Music, and SiriusXM really helped bring exposure to local artists in the scene)
  • The Last of Us video game is never developed therefore this adaptation would never be made (LOL but seriously though)
These are just some scenarios that came up from the top of my head. Hell, I wouldn't even be typing this blog up since there would be no electricity to charge my laptop or any electronics. What other events would not have happened had civilization ended in 2003? 


Some General Thoughts On The Current State of AEW + Ragebaiting in the Internet Wrestling Community

This has been a topic I've been contemplating to write for some time. For the past few years, tribalism has played a major role when it ...